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This web site will provide a service for you to achieve all these objectives for free!!!
How does it work?
Our search interface will search through about 5000 stocks based on your criterion of each financial spec. You can also narrow your search to certain sectors or industries. Just follow the instructions in the user guide.How can you make sure the numbers are correct?
You will find links to popular financial web site for each stock at the bottom of the page. So you can verify the accuracy of fiancial spec displayed in this web site.functionality
If you have any questions, please email us : support@SmartInvestorInfo.com
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By using this website you are accepting all the terms of this disclaimer notice. If you do not agree with anything in this notice you should not use this website. Read the full version of disclaimer here
Dates : 1726
Enter Symbol :
Stickers : 0
Load Search : 0
Name | Yahoo | Reuters | |||
Sector | 1 new window |
window bottom |
Industry |
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Sectors : 9 |
Industries : 215 |
phptest : |
phpdebug : |
Dates : 1658
Enter Symbol :
Stickers : 0
Load Search : 0
Name | Yahoo | Reuters | |||
Sector | 1 window |
same window |
Industry |
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Sectors : 9 |
Industries : 114 |
return results: |
search string: |
日期數 : 1096 輸入股票代碼
搜到股票數 : 0 Load Search : 0 |
中文名稱 | Yahoo | ||||
英文名稱 | 同一窗口 |
本窗口底部 |
行業 |
Industries : 33 |
return results: |
search string: |
日期數 : 923 输入股票代碼
搜到股票数 : 0 Load Search : 0
中文名称 | 雅虎 | 谷歌 | 新浪 | ||||
英文名称 | 同一窗口 |
本窗口底部 |
大板块 | 小板块 | 地区 |
大板块 : 13 |
小板块 : 70 |
地区 : 31 |
return results: |
search string: |
Dates : 1726 |
sector industry |
Sectors : 9 |
Industries : 215 |
phptest : |
phpdebug : |
Dates : 1658 |
sector industry |
Sectors : 9 |
Industries : 114 |
return results: |
search string: |
日期數 : 1096 |
行業: 33 |
return results: |
search string: |
日期数 : 923 |
大板块 小板块 |
大板块 : 13 |
小板块 : 70 |
return results: |
search string: |
Although we make best effort to explain the financial specs we used in this website in simple and clear form.
The brief interpretation of these financial terms are by no means 100% accurate.
User who are interested should consult more authoritative sources.
Safe Margin = (stock price - 52 Week Low Price) / (52 Week High Price - 52 Week Low Price)
Note : this is not a financial term, this condition is used for selecting stocks at a bargain price
Free Cash Flow = Cash Flow - Capital Expenditure - Interest from Financial activities
Note : this is actually Levered Free Cash Flow, here we use this value
安全边际 = (当前股价 - 一年股价最低点) / (一年股价最高点 - 一年股价最低点)
注意 : 这不是一个财经术语,本条件用于选择处于低价的股票
安全邊際 = (當前股價 - 一年股價最低點) / (一年股價最高點 - 一年股價最低點)
注意 : 這不是一個財經術語,本條件用於選擇處於低價位的股票